Sunday, 1 November 2009

Going back to the Visual Language and Character Development brief, 08 first year brief

Due to the similarities between what I am now working on and this brief, I have been advised to look back over it, pick out the key learning outcomes and expand upon this to form my own brief.

This brief "explores the conceptual development of character through creative and critical analysis, interpretation and 3D realisation." There was also a digital outcome but I am purely focusing on the first three requirements.

From the syllabus I can draw this point from when deciding what character to produce:
Critical analysis of character, stereotyping, archetypes from literature, art and popular culture.

My outcomes should follow this template:
Use a variety of media, methods and strategies in developing ideas through creative research and interpretation,
select appropriate materials and processes to interpret and realise solutions in all media. (Here I should refere to how the character concept would be presented to a film production team.)

This unit required observed drawing, sketchbooks, research, digital images to show how your character has been developed. The final 3D realisation made up for the other 50% of the grade.

Finally, this brief requires self-evaluation and reflection - something that I will continue to record in this blog.

Reading recommendations given here include:
A nasty piece of work - Spitting Image, Booth-Clibborn Editions,
Star Wars- the essential guide to characters, Potter, Cherry, 1990,
Cinefex and FX journals,
The Puppet factory CD,

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