Thursday, 29 October 2009

Cracking Ideas - Wallace and Gromit exhibition at the Science Museum

This interactive exhibit aims to encourage children to look at the history of both good and bad design and invent for themselves. Also on display were some remaining sets and props used in the more recent Wallace and Gromit features, The Curse Of The Warerabbit and A Matter Of Loaf And Death. These animated characters are very simple in design, consisting of a wire armature with Plasticine over this so that they can be positioned for Stop Motion capture. Any imperfections such as finger prints in the Plasticine are later removed with a computer, along with the animation stills made to flow more smoothly.

For display purposes, the models in the exhibition appear to be covered in a glaze to look like porceline wich I presume protects them from the hot lighting. Larger scale replicas were also made for this event as they work well for kids to interact with.

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